Joe Viera


USA Weightlifting Level 1
Qualified & Licensed Massage Therapist
Police Officer


Joe V loves the camaraderie of sports and has since a young age. He played soccer, basketball, and football growing up and excelled as a high school wrestler until a serious knee injury ended his athletic career.

The first time he walked into a functional fitness gym in February 2012, he saw everyone working hard, side by side, cheering each other on. It reminded him of his days in the wrestling room, and he was instantly hooked. Seeing the positive effects functional fitness had on him, both physically and mentally, he became a firm believer in the CrossFit philosophy.

Becoming a Certified Level 1 CrossFit trainer in March 2013 solidified his beliefs and increased his passion. In 2017 Joe decided to further his knowledge of functional fitness and earned USA Weightlifting Level 1 and CrossFit Level 2 certifications.

In addition to his fitness certifications and 8 + years of coaching, Joe is a Licensed Massage Therapist and a Police Officer.

Joe is excited to take the knowledge he has gathered over the years to help you achieve and surpass your health and fitness goals.